
Other information
Meeting & Event Center Fletcher Wellness-Hotel Leiden
LEVEL building 5th Floor
Bargelaan 180
2333 CW Leiden
Attendees: 85 people
Presentation of Marjon Pasmooij to be downladed here
Best Oral Presentation:
Irene Vázquez-Domínguez (Radboudumc) - Deciphering the efficacy and safety of different antisense oligonucleotide chemical modifications in a retinal context
Best Poster Presentation:
1st place:
Dyah Karjosukarso (Radboudumc) - Towards clinical application of antisense oligonucleotides for the treatment of Stargardt disease
2nd place:
Hilde Smeenk (ErasmusMC) - Using antisense oligonucleotides to reactivate paternal UBE3A in Angelman syndrome patient-derived neurons
3rd place:
Elsa Kuijper (LUMC) - Therapeutic effect of antisense oligonucleotide treatment in YAC128 Huntington mice


Organizing committee: Drs. Jeroen Bremmer, Ronald Buijsen, Alex Garanto and Atze Bergsma