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Will be announced soon




Early-bird registration will be open until May 15th 23:59 h.​


Price for the 2-day symposium (lunch, coffee and farewell borrel included)

Academia: 75 euro

Industry: 150 euro


Late-registration from May 16th to May 29th


Price for the 2-day symposium (lunch, coffee and farewell borrel included)

Academia: 100 euro

Industry: 200 euro


Maximum capacity is 300 people.

Maximum capacity for the networking event (not included in the price): 120 people


The deadline for the reception of the abstracts is May 1st 2023 at 23:59. 

NEW! Abstract submission deadline has been extended till May 5th at 17:00!!!


Please use the template provided below.


Template abstract


Important information about the abstracts:


Abstract book will only be available digitally one week before the meeting. It will be sent around by email and also uploaded on the website.


If confidentiality issues may apply, please contact us after submitting your abstract, and the abstract will be omitted from the booklet.



In the registration form you can indicate whether you would like your abstract to be considered for a 10-min presentation (14 selected abstracts, priority is given to Early Career Investigators (PhD candidates and Postdocs (up to 5 years) both in Academia and Industry) or only poster with or without the possibility of being selected for a Poster Pitch (2-min presentation to encourage people to visit your poster afterwards). All submited abstracts not selected for a talk, will be automatically moved for poster presentation with the possibility of a 2-min pitch.


​Selected abstracts will be announced on April 26th 2023.



The format of the posters must be: Portrait A0

Contact us

Thanks for submitting!

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